Is Technology a Bridge or Barrier?
Technology is an unavoidable part of modern life. It can neither be considered all positive or all
negative, it depends on the person using it, for example someone sharing tips on crafts
compared to another person spreading disinformation. The internet should be understood as
having risks but far more rewards and uses, also many of these risks can be reduced and
From phones and tablets to laptops and desktops, depending on the person, some may find a
phone easier to use, others find a computer's large screen suits them. As there are so many
models and types these can be affordable. Phones can be found at reasonable prices.
It's even possible to build a computer choosing the specific parts. A simple device for everyday
browsing to one meant for advanced tasks such as photo or video editing.
In urban areas at least, high speed internet connections are almost guaranteed, ensuring that a
person can access sites with ease.
Social media can be curated, as in a person could create a feed of their interests, from DIY
tutorials on Youtube to nature photographs on Instagram. Additionally, just as the telephone
becoming increasingly widespread allowed people to speak in real time and across great
distances. So too does the internet allow people to keep in touch, with the even greater benefit
of including images and videos.
The downside of IT must also be noted. 42% of Irish people are self described as having 'below
average' digital skills. Even acknowledging this can still have a negative effect. As someone
could feel overwhelmed by what they think they must know and feel unwilling to try.
Format changes have been so rapid that these days streaming and digital downloads have
made CDs and DVDs almost as forgotten just as these had made floppy disks and cassette
tapes. Someone who once was confident may lose this due to the changes.
The increased sophistication of scams is a concern. Messages can appear to be from a
person's bank, utilities company or post office such as claiming they have a package waiting.
Pressing the link then leads to their personal information being stolen. Online banking and
shopping are common for many and rarely do problems occur but someone could be so
cautious that they would choose to avoid the internet entirely..
At St Marys, our I.T. workers Patrick and Piotr are here to help with troubleshooting devices. We
also host classes including Basic Computers (for those who need an introduction) to advanced
classes including Spreadsheets and Graphic Design.
Phoebe Alegria