Autumn Time at St. Mary's


We've been able to host so many more classes since our kitchen was refurbished such as Air
Frying and One Pot Cooking that the issue has become having so many interested learners but
not enough classes for everyone.

Thanks to the LCETB (Limerick & Clare Education And Training Board) we were able to acquire
espresso machines, glasses, cups and other necessary items to host Barista Training.

There is a science to preperation and it can be learned, from temperature to time and more.
Tony di Lucia as tutor is already well known by our learners for his other cookery classes. Tony
is sure to bring his expertise to this too.

As for learners, on registration day it drew over 20 names. Though Barista can only host small
groups this is a shorter course and many of those who applied will be offered a place.

We also have arrangements made with Kings Island Community Cafe to provide work
experience for learners. Here they'll be able to put their learning into practice.

Further, these learners will also be able to receive HACCP Training (food safety) free of
charge, hosted here at the centre. HACCP is vital for this line of work as it covers food
preparation hygiene. This is also a mandatory qualification for workers.

Patricia Barrett has been teaching our childcare classes for a few years now and this term,
she's been delivering Caring For Children (Level 3). In this class, participants will be taught
key topics including health and safety, nutrition, communications and more. Jobs that can be
applied for from this include settings such as nurseries, after school programmes and
community centres.

After the success of last years Care Skills class, we're offering another module and are
delighted that several of last term's learners have returned. Successfully completing Care Of
The Older Person (Level 5) taught by Sheila Hayes grants a qualification that can gain
employment as a care assistant such as home help or a nursing home.

For people seeking to improve their technological knowledge and abilities, Introduction to
Spreadsheets with Connie Finn is a step up from our Basic Computers class. Using Excel is
often required in workplaces. This class will make what can seem broad and complex into
something much more manageable. Learners can also find use for this in their personal life
such as household budgeting.

Another returning class is Bill O'Reilly's SPSV [Small Public Service Vehicles]. Taxis, hackneys,
and limousines require a special licence, and to earn this, a person has to pass a test made up
of two sections with questions on fares, safety measures among others. The second on local
area knowledge, how well the applicant knows routes and landmarks. Learners are given
guidance and practice with mock exam questions.

We also have one day training sessions scheduled:

  • Manual Handling covers workplace safety, specifically around the movement of loads; pushing, carrying, lifting, and how to do so safely, to prevent back injuries.
  • Safe Pass is similar to HACCP in this is a requirement for any worker, this is needed for construction sites. Topics include PPE (personal protective equipment), risk assessment, employer/employee responsibilities.

All for just a €3 contribution per class [Care Skills and training are free of charge].

Phoebe Alegria